•  Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM

Medicare FAQs

These are some basic answers to frequently asked Medicare questions. For more in-depth information about your personal situation, please contact us for a consultation.


A: Assuming you have met the work-related eligibility requirements, you may begin enrollment into Medicare 90 days in advance of the month you turn 65.
A: Medicare does not have spousal or dependent coverage. Medicare is individual. If your spouse has reached age eligibility (65), then they can enroll in Medicare of their own accord 90 days in advance of the month they turn 65.
A: Maybe. If the employer group has 20 eligible employees or more, and you’re going to continue to work, then yes it’s an option. But there are many things to consider.
A: Part “A” is typically in place, and a paid-up benefit when you turn 65. Part “B” is not, unless you have enrolled in Social Security prior to age 65. If you have not filed to receive Social Security benefits, then you need to proactively enroll in Part “B” benefits and begin paying for them.
A: In addition to having a huge gap in coverage, you will likely face a penalty from Medicare. A Part “B” penalty can be 10% of your Part “B” premium for each 12-month period outside of Medicare, and up to 1% of the national average of a Part “D” plan for each month absent Part “D”.
A: Online at SSA.gov or in person at a local Social Security office.
A: Once you enroll in any part of Medicare, you’re no longer eligible to make HSA contributions. This includes Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B – either one will prevent you from contributing further to your HSA.

Many people turning 65 who continue to work may consider getting Medicare Part A since it’s premium-free. But once you enroll in Part A, you can’t make any more pre-tax contributions to your HSA. If you plan to keep working and want to continue building your HSA up, check to see if you’re eligible to delay Medicare enrollment. If you’re receiving Social Security benefits, however, Medicare Part A is mandatory.
A: If you have to (or choose to) enroll in Medicare Part A, the coverage is retroactive for up to 6 months, but no earlier than your eligibility date. Because of this, you should plan to stop HSA contributions about 6 months before enrolling in Medicare.
A: Even after you enroll in Medicare and stop HSA contributions, you are still able to withdraw funds tax-free for qualified medical expenses. You can even use your HSA to pay for some Medicare expenses including your Medicare Part B, Part D, and Medicare Advantage premiums, deductibles, copays, and co-insurance.

Note: HSA funds cannot be used to pay for Medigap premiums.
A: Yes. However, you will not have prescription coverage, and you will face unlimited exposure to those costs due to the gaps in Original Medicare.
A: Part “C” is another name for Medicare Advantage. Also named MA, MSA, or MA-PD (when prescriptions are included).
A: Part “D” is the Prescription Drug plan Medicare introduced in 2006.
A: This is a Medicare term that establishes previous coverage being at least as good as Medicare’s. Typically is in play for Part “D” to avoid penalty.
A: No, a retiree plan will typically wrap around Medicare primary benefits.
A: You usually can. It’s important to be sure your doctor accepts Medicare. Some don’t.
A: Yes, for up to 100 days, after a required three-day hospital stay.

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Health Insurance and Medicare Made Simple
Cornerstone Retirement Partners

2900 Charlevoix SE 310
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

  616-301-2581 Option 2


  [email protected]

  Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM


Health Insurance and Medicare Made Simple
Cornerstone Retirement Partners

8515 100th Ave
Stanwood, MI 49346

  616-301-2581 Option 5


  [email protected]